(Commenting on)  (Ep.127) RINO rejects Trump endorsement; Democrat laughs at girl’s rape; AI mayor candidate



  1. Why would trump endorse Larry hogan in the first place sounds off to me.. all democrats red to be voted out of office then deported

  2. Perhaps, people Trump has endorsed should get together and tell him THANKS but NO THANKS for his endorsement. Just say it’s appreciated but that they don’t want to be in same category as all the RINOS. That might get Trumps attention !!!

  3. Thank you Denny and Tyan for a great podcast! Love to listen to you both. How is Dad doing? I hope all is well. Prayers for your family!🙏🏻💕

  4. Trump was a Democrat for most of his adult life, so I think there are still some tendencies for him to lean that way. Unfortunately the Republicans have moved a bit to the left as the Dems have moved far left. Hoping Trump will be able to move the Republicans back to the right a bit he should be able to see the Rhinos for what they really are, Dems.

  5. Discussing the Rape of a teenage girl in the news is fear mongering??? WTF??? That disgusting Jayapal needs to be deported back to wherever she came from! We don’t want or need her kind here, nor do we want her representing us in our Government! Also deport freaking Joy Reid! She is a commie b-witch! I can’t stand either!!!

  6. Really sorry for the murder of a 12 year old girl . Why is she out at 12am going to a 7 eleven store getting water. We must stop the immigration flow which I fear is too late already.

    • I was wondering the same thing. Why on earth would she be getting water at a 7-11 at that hour. I wouldn’t go out at midnight for anything at that hour unless to drive to a hospital emergency room. Nothing is that important that you need to go to a 7-11 at that hour. That is the most unsafe time to go anywhere. There are drunks out on the road who just came out of the local bar and that night there happened to be the filth of the earth illegals and murderers. joy reid that ugly bimbo along with her coworkers scarborough and his slutbag mika should all be thrown to the wolves. Can’t stand those people who are nothing more than lowlife filth and propagandists.

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