(Commenting on)  EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Biden yells at staffers after losing track at event with foreign leader



  1. Everyone covering for Biden needs to be investigated!
    This is not a joke! Biden is our President if only by name. Elder abuse! His wife and family plus all associated are putting out country in danger. This should disqualify them period! Where are the Republicans! Independents! Libertarian?! Hello!!!!

  2. Barack Obama has been running the country. He’s the one that has been making all the decisions along with the other idiots in the Biden administration who were hired because of DEI. Obama is the one that has been grooming Camilla Harris to be president therefore he will be her puppet Master just like he’s been biden’s and will be running the country for four possibly eight more years. Don’t forget Obama wanted to ruin America and that is why we are in the situation that we are now.

    I can’t believe that people are going to be voting for Camilla Harris. It’s very obvious that they do not know that she is a communist and wants socialism. God help us if she gets in.

  3. WHO’S NEXT……..WHO’S NEEEXXXTTT? You tell us joe. Don’t you have WHO’S NEXT on your teleprompter? Angry old condescending bastard. Couldn’t remember one man’s name. How pathetic.

  4. The Prime Minister of Indias LAUGH says it ALL !!!!!! “Your an old dunce. Pack it in you POS nation destroyer”

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