(Commenting on)  ELECTION SECURITY ALERT: Disturbing allegations about DMV offices in Texas



  1. I don’t doubt the stories. Let’s get some video for the actual media to show . You would think an officer could go find out and arrest those who are registering illigals to vote! It is against the law..
    Get the videos out share in social media. Call your representatives keep their phone lines busy. This must be stopped!!

  2. It sure is interesting that everyone in Washington knows what the Dems have been up to for years and yet NOBODY will do anything about it. The Republicans go on tv and whine all day but they do NOTHING!! They will allow our country to decline and do NOTHING to stop this madness. Talk about a bunch of ball less men who allow the takeover of America to helpless American citizens, especially women and children. It’s beyond disgusting.

  3. Why are the people at the DMV letting them set up outside the office.
    Why are the county clerks accepting the registrations?
    Every County Court Clerks need to purge the rolls if a person can’t be verified.

    • I think if I were in front of that table, I would kick that table into the pavement and overturn it. Scatter that shit all over the creation.

  4. My husband who is a Viet Nam vet was denied a drivers license due to not enough info : he needed current info showing he lives at our address, a birth certificate , another card like a VA ID just to start . Denied !! His friend who is also a Viet Nam vet has also been denied !!! What is going on !!! Needs to be investigated !!!

  5. California has been registering everyone to vote who applies for a driver’s for at least 20 years.
    When my husband went to renew his license last year and receive the “real id” we found out he had been registered to vote Democrat, even though he didn’t check the box to be registered for any party.

  6. It’s also happening here in Arizona but not at the DMV. You go to the gas station there they are signing up the illegals no id needed. I went to my doctor’s office again I watched as they signed up illegals no id needed. They are every were Sadly this is how the Dems are going to win the election The fix is in.

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