(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/8: RNC fights on mail-in ballots, Yellen called out for bogus fund, mortgage rate turn around, and more



  1. Sure! Like Bernie Sanders really has his hand on the pulse of the people! The only concern is that this election will be rigged.

  2. Yep, DML said mortgage rates would drop prior to the election to make the slutbag HO kamala look good. Gas prices are starting to slightly fall also. By appointing walz to the job, that erased everything. We have known this ass walz for 24 hours now and he is bad news for America. The usless media is already putting the ass walz on a pedestal for allowing his city to burn down, allowing a police department to burn to the ground with officers inside the building, signing a trans bill to mutilate children without allowing their parents to know about anything, supporting hamas, hating Israel, laughing about the burning in the city of Minneapolis and $300 million in damages, deploying National Guard three days AFTER they were desperately needed, and abandoning his Military troops when he was notified he would be deployed to Iraq. Nice going you dumb ass walz. I hope this just cinched the Presidency declaring a TRUMP VANCE WIN in 2024. If it doesn’t, we know it was rigged for and by democrats, the absolute lowest cesspool filth of America. The democrats are lower than sewage.

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