(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/29: Crazy California bill, no cigarettes at Walmart, and much more



  1. California needs ppl to move into their state after so many have fled and moved to other places. They need these ppl to keep their seats in office.

  2. This bill in CA makes me sick, people are leaving California by the thousands every month because of Gavin Newscum and his policies and they add this??? They don’t give on shit about the citizens of this country.

  3. I absolutely abhor smoking. However, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What about taking all of the high fructos corn syrup items off of your shelves because of diabetes or taking pencils or scissors or knives off the shelves because someone might stab someone?Absolutely the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard of. Welcome to communism.

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