(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/28: Trump gains young voters; Home Depot goes woke, while Lowe’s rejects it; DEI culture warps Disney & NASA



  1. Gotta love one more time “white supremacy” because the culture of dumb is just that DUMB. Think about it shills most whites are self supporting “thinking” people and don’t depend on some f’n program to prop us up or dumbing down the educational system because we cannot make the grade. Maybe, just maybe we are superior 😂😂😂. F’n morons.

    • I am exhausted with all the ‘racist’ ‘colonizer’ ‘white supremecy’ crap.
      I am not racist …..and here is the ‘but’….
      Get Over It! If it wasn’t white people who became powerful over the centuries then guess what? Some other race or culture would have. All races within themselves have fought each other and killed. Yes. Even Americas native people.
      People are stupid and power hungry. Always have been.
      I suppose sadly, always will be.
      When thought about….some still have tendency to be barbarians. Oct 7 comes to mind. Will we ever learn?
      Past time to get over it. The America I remember has always been generous and tried to right wrongs. I want to think we are still that way. Move along people.

  2. I buy most of my home improvement products from Lowe’s as possible. Sometimes they don’t have a particular item and I will drop into H-D as a last resort.

  3. I’m closing all my business accounts at Home Depot. And spreading the word to all my business associates. This is beyond disgusting.

  4. That pinhead from NASA should be ashamed, there is absolutely no excuse for that behavior! The best thing she could possibly do is take a long walk off a short plank !


    There is absolutely no reason to be barking up THAT tree. Find some other LGBTQ path to tred that’s more productive and not simply trendy if you want to go that route… like the prevalence of bullying children in schools.

  6. I don’t think Walt would approve of Goofy and Mickey engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior in front of the children

  7. Well I guess I wont be shopping at mt favorite Homedepot store. This crap about teaching pansexual or anything else sickens me .

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