(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/2: Rittenhouse’s strange vote choice, Chelsea Clinton’s secret deal with Kamala,awful jobs report, lead in chocolate, and much more



  1. Great Kyle I get you are making a statement, but at this time all you will be doing is giving a vote to Kamala .

  2. Notice the “little darling” of the Olympics has to get in her racist dig. No matter how successful this culture is it’s never good enough and somehow good ol whitey is behind their whining. All the pandering and patronizing turns one’s stomach.

  3. I supported and cheered biles on. With her X post she basically showed her true colors ( no pun intended) I will no longer be rooting for her, hope she falls on her azz. If you ask me blacks are far more racist then anyone else

    • Totally agree with you 100% they’re the ones that are racist not the white people they blame the white people but the blacks are the racist ones they always have a comment especially that journalist that interviewed Trump she was an absolute disgrace I turned that interview off 5 minutes I couldn’t even listen to her sarcasm. I’m very disappointed with biles comment she’s done as far as I’m concerned regarding rittenhouse exactly right a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Harris you better rethink what you’re voting for because Harris is going to confiscate guns never mind gun control they’re going to be confiscated Wake up use your head. Regarding the polls the voting that is all biased and never gives you a true picture of what is going on regarding the polls. Who are they polling and what are they polling. Regarding Georgia that’s why the Democrats and the Republicans do not want Dominion machines they want paper ballots voter identification card two forms of ID you go in person and you vote with a paper ballot and you must show voter registration and two forms of identification and that should be done everywhere in the country especially for presidential election. This way there’s no discrepancies there’s no chance of outside interference and we don’t have to concern ourselves with dumps in the middle of the night. Every voting station should be meant by Democrats Republicans everybody that walks in the door should go to the table of the person you’re voting for. voting Democrat or Republican and you go to that table and exercise your voting rights. This selection has to be very very carefully monitored and secured.

      Regarding those terrorists from 9/11 they should have been executed they should not have been given a plea deal what will happen in 10 years they’ll walk out free. Every firefighter in this country should be full of anger for what this administration did regarding those three terrorists over 3,000 American lives were lost not to mention what those firemen had to endure during that time and the sicknesses that they are left with.

      People better go out and vote for Trump in 24 otherwise this country is doomed. Maduro made a statement about the United States of America government people should listen to it because it’ll make your hair turn white. Our government is as corrupt as any third world country if not more so. And people that would vote for this kind of leadership this administration with Obama pulling puppet strings are people totally brain dead. Great news letter DML as always podcasts are terrific. Keep up the great work.

  4. Jobs number isn’t surprising.
    My community survives on manufacturing jobs.
    Every manufacturing plant here is cutting hours , not hiring,working with smaller crews doing the same work. For instance my husband’s crew is supposed to be eleven. They are running with 4 man crew and borrowing from different departments. They have been laid off once a month for a week at a time. And no prospects of picking up.
    Other companies are cancelling orders from these plants.
    We knew it was going to happen and now it has. People are picking up a second job to make ends meet…
    This is Bidens/ Harris economy. It will not get better. Prices are still going up for everyday living. Especially groceries.

  5. Stick to gymnastics, Simone!! It’s not really a job. It’s a sport and your passion. Are you producing anything? I supported you all the way…and now you have to interject this crap!!?? 😡🤬

  6. I thot the Olympics was a time to come together for the games and forget about politics and social issues. That’s why I don’t watch the Olympics anymore. Shameful, Biles. Trump has done so much for you as an American.
    You can vote for whoever you want, Kyle, but Rand Paul will not win and only only help Kamalala and Kennedy.

  7. Well li’ l mizz biles , we’ll see if you rant when a WHITE MALE gymnast who identifies as a BLACK woman gymnast RIPS the gold from YOU . Enjoy your ” job” then ?? One more Idiot Olympian .

  8. The Clinton’s are grooming another little girl, Hillary 2.0 and she will be worse than her evil mother ( yes I assumed her gender ) because she has the DC crime list and connections and may be installed in an ambassadorial capacity. This will prove a huge stepping stone up to the Whitehouse. Leading to the final chapter in the demise of the United States.

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