(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/16: Hollywood & groomers heading to DNC, Venezuelans fleeing homeland, Matthew Perry death revelations, major layoffs and much more



  1. Thank you DML for listing all those a**hol* elitest that support communism. Now I know who not to spend my money on

  2. That’s how it’s done, invite the Hollywood freaks and perverts, thug rappers, corrupt media slobbering shills, and of course the little arrogant punk Stewart who thinks he’s smart 😂🤥 and let the circus begin. Think this bunch of junkie, trashy scumbags are not at the devils door??

    • Agree, that adds to the freaks like rachael levine and pete buttigieg and sam brinton. Thank GOD the freak brinton was fired. We no longer watch the holly-weird elite movies. We watch old vintage movies these days.
      There are plenty of good ones with people who could really present their craft as accomplished actors.

  3. So how are those 134,000 new jobs you claim were created kama-la-la-la-la? I call bullshit. 134,000 were recalls of those furloughed during COVID, you lying trashbag. kamala, the kommunist, komrad, kopykat, kackling, KUNT…how’s that working out for biden-o-nomics, kamala? Go ahead, tell Americans another lie which has been going on for 3 1/2 years with the senile old SOB. Let’s see, 3,200,000 minus 134,000 equals 3,066,000 short. YOU ARE STILL IN THE HOLE and just another way to fudge the numbers and lie to Americans.

  4. Good for Sam Pounder, Sage Steel, Riley Gaines. trans don’t belong in women’s sports. Let them get their own teams of trans. GTFO out of our faces tranny’s. You ugly beasts are freaks of nature. Don’t push your way into our sports. Womenr must REFUSE to compete. Walk off the field, off the court, off the track and get out of the pool. Let the winey trash tranny freak out there himself. He is still a he cause he still has a dick. He just doesn’t have the balls to cut it off, does he.

  5. F ESPN! I hope Sam sues them into oblivion.

    F Hollywood! I think most people are fed up with their elitist BS. Most listed are B list stars. The only exception is Reese Witherspoon. She needs the boycott effect right away. Who knew Hollywood had a sheep problem 🤣! Unable to think for themselves. Very sad and pathetic. Newsflash…No one cares what you think!

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