(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 8/12: Obama, Biden & Clintons rally for DNC, Secret Service infiltrates hair salon, creepy AI interview, Olympics ends, and much more



  1. James is a JERK🤬 Wears his gold medal to show off and then refuses to sign his autograph. Just an undereducated athlete who thinks he is better than anyone else. JERK 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. The owner should sue the USSS for breaking and entering her salon. Must have had to use the restroom really bad.
    Barry, Killery and Sleepy stumping for Camel-la is sad. Barry just introducing his next puppet. Killery should be pissed off that they didn’t install her as the candidate in the same way. Sleep should undo ALL of his EOs that were Barry inspired just to get even.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  3. Interesting how the three commies are always at center stage with ol big ears leading the charge. If all you shills don’t find that scary then there’s no hope for your ignorant self. Another slobber fest for the corrupt media and the devil DEMONcrates cult. This clown show does not represent we the people’s constitutional republic.

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