(Commenting on)  DRUGGED KIDS: Alarmed parents say teachers gave their children ‘sleepy stickers.’ Elementary school suspends multiple employees



  1. These kids parents should sue the teachers involved and the school district. These teachers know better and need to be held accountable for their actions and taught a lesson. If it was my child they did this to they would live to regret it because I would definitely go after them legally. If parents would start holding teachers & school administrators accountable this bs would stop.

  2. Definite lawsuits AND jail . These children could have had anaphylaxis and/ or DIED from a reaction to something in that patch . What scum ,yeah I’d give ’em a “sleepy patch” … Best of luck recuperating….

  3. You got to be kidding. Teachers aids on leave🤬Fire their asses, and throw them in Prison! And yes Sue everyone involved.. bye bye school Superintendent!! If my four grown children were still in school, in this day and Time.. they would be home schooled.I worry for my grandchildren. These idiot kind of teachers, give good teachers a bad wrap.So sorry for these precious children🙏🙏🙏

  4. OMG, this is outrageous. Giving these Kids drug patches to make them sleepy so they don’t have to babysit. They should all be fired, and sue the ass off the school and every teacher involved. I wonder if they make the children actually remove the patches before they leave the building so the parents don’t know. The one little girl got one of them out of the building thank goodness and showed her parents. Immediate dismissal for the teachers involved, no pay or benefits. File a police report immediately.

  5. I would sue the teachers the school and district. We are trying to keep our kids off drugs and they are doing this.? Shane on them.

  6. At what time have parents lost all the control over their children’s health and mental well-being at school?
    All the comments above say what I thought.
    Arrest for sure! Suspended are you kidding me.
    I didn’t even know these sleep stickers existed…
    What the hell is wrong with the school systems!!! The teachers and the administration that didn’t know this was going on!

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