I have a feeling like Kathy said if every politician was scrutinized they would all face ethical if not criminal charges.
I hope it’s not true but we will see.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a dirty democRAT politician. Lock them up. Throw away the key. Time to take our country back with people who care about us.
Adams started going against the Dems’ agenda when he spoke out against the illegals crushing NYC. I’m not saying that he’s innocent- it’s a rare politician who is. But we’ve seen the corrupt mess of especially NY “justice”, thanks to what was done to Trump. IMO, this is yet more lawfare against someone who resisted the party line.
Need to investigate all dem mayor’s and governors, a lot republican too. They all are crooked.
I have a feeling like Kathy said if every politician was scrutinized they would all face ethical if not criminal charges.
I hope it’s not true but we will see.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a dirty democRAT politician. Lock them up. Throw away the key. Time to take our country back with people who care about us.
Is this why he’s offering djt a b_lo_w j0b?
Originally posted at 11:32 on January 7
Adams started going against the Dems’ agenda when he spoke out against the illegals crushing NYC. I’m not saying that he’s innocent- it’s a rare politician who is. But we’ve seen the corrupt mess of especially NY “justice”, thanks to what was done to Trump. IMO, this is yet more lawfare against someone who resisted the party line.