(Commenting on)  DML FB LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt



  1. Thank you DML for saying the things I’ve been thinking all along.
    We are all feeling the same contempt but don’t have the avenue to speak it like you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you DML.
    We would be lost without you.
    God bless you, God bless President Trump and his family, God bless we Patriots, and God bless the USA!

  2. I blame the Dem leaders for this stirring up a crazed person by saying over and over that Trump is an existential threat to democracy. You have insited the crazies with Trump DD. Your words matter. Stop the hatred.

  3. I can’t share your video DML. I know how you feel and are mad as we all are but I can’t share all those cuss words with my Christian friends.

  4. Sometimes cuss words are the only way to vent without exploding. If a Christian can’t watch it because of cuss words then they live in a bubble. My parents wouldn’t approve of cuss words but they understand the frustration this has caused

  5. The video is gone. I wanted to watch today (Sunday) and it’s been removed.
    I’m sure you had some nice choice words to say. It was the first time I put the news on in months. As soon as I received the text I tuned in.
    My prayers to him and the bystanders that were lost. I hope the shooter fits in hell. My last words. This is Bidens fault and he should be arrested for it.

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