(Commenting on)  DISTRACTION TACTICS: Trans rep. claims GOP looking to make transgenderism a spectacle



  1. Trump will do all those things and more. Wake up idiot! Since you are a demonrat you are clueless but you sure will benefit. Transgenders are not biological people and if that’s what you like, fine but it’s not to be pushed on children or anyone else. Period.

  2. It continues to piss me off how the left ( notably transgender men who want to take over women’s restrooms and sports) continue to accuse the right of doing all the stupidity that they are ALWAYS doing to destroy the American way of life!! That dude needs to STFU and sit the hell dow!!!

  3. This person has no business being in politics. Not cause she’s trans but because she’s dangerous. She makes everything about being trans not the real issue. Everything she says about the elected President Trump is a lie. I’m so tired of this and her.

  4. Um gee let me think for a sec .. um no it’s a spectacle and has no place in society! Basically these have a mental disease. God created 2 sexs man and women and you are born either one.. in my opinion these trans it’s are freaks with mental illnesses.

  5. Transgender is made up and it’s mental illness period, stop the f’n sideshows. Enough of this bull💩. Why on gods green earth would anyone ever support/vote for these mentality ill perverts, it’s just plain sick. Ignorant devil DEMONcrates pushing their commie agenda.

  6. I know a few teams people. ( Transitioned to the sex) I knew a few cross dressers as well. The one thing they all had in common was wanting to live their lives without fan fair.
    They didn’t introduce themselves as trans they introduced themselves with their name. They talked about their job and life not who they slept with or dared you to challenge them with their sexual preferences or how they live…
    I’m not speaking for the community because I am not trans or a cross dressers. What I do know is the people screaming and challenging others is because of who they are Men and nothing to do with your approval or not…

  7. Just to be clear- nobody gave a shit about transgenders until you weird freaks( i’m referring to the creeps pushing it-not necessarily the trans)started pushing it in the kids.
    Bidens world was making white kids feel bad and then cutting off all the genitals they could find. I’m so glad some sanity is coming back.

  8. We are not going to continue to cater to 3 percent of society if it’s even that! Step aside and remove yourself and agenda, looks like we are removing it for you! Totally inappropriate, your views are dangerous. Like the other poster said the people I know that are trans or cross dressers are not in the public eye pushing this down someone’s throat. They go about their lives without screaming your nonsense. Get gone

  9. Mr. McBride you are a male(man). You can say you are a woman just like I could say I’m a skunk. That doesn’t make it so. I still have to use a male restroom. All this fuss is MOOT anyway since you will have a restroom in your office.


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