(Commenting on)  DESPERATE PITCH: Harris to roll out ‘star power’ as two singers to appear at rallies



  1. Stupid is as stupid does. Do these morons think that will sway anyone? People will go for a free concert and not be swayed by a kackling moron

  2. Harris is such a loser she needs these two demented celebritards to entertain brainless idiots. Usher is an A list predator in the P-Diddy orgy scandal.

  3. Wow is she desperate if she gas to provide a free concert to get people to her rallies. Apparently paying them isn’t enough anymore.

  4. Harris showed who she was on the interview with Brett, she is bossy, mean and impatient and seems to have quite a temper.

  5. If I was offered a billion dollars to name one song by these two people (without internet research), I couldn’t do it. So many people would be shocked to know how little I care.

  6. Trump stars. Everyday Americans.
    Trump can fill arenas without big names star power, can Harris? Nope
    The danger is if they sign up people to vote.

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