(Commenting on)  WATCH: Democrat senators release cringy ‘fight’ video montage



  1. Chucky Schumer is completely and utterly unaware of what the people are going through
    All he thinks about is trying to kick against the mandates the people have set in motion

  2. I was told when you say something and say ” but” everything that follows is what you really mean.
    If the Dems just did the video everything before “but” would have been fine. Instead of saying we will work with the Republicans in things we agree on and fight for you that would have been good. Nope they couldn’t…

  3. Don’t you notice every message by democrats is echoes exactly word for word like robots? They even have news reporters do this. All the same exact words. The entire party can’t think for themselves. They have to be told what to say like monkeys or sheep. No souls. Vampires even. Ever see one during the day outside lol?

  4. Go already, Buh bye. What a lame attempt, you had 4 years and you screwed everything up, are you kidding. Still bold face lying. The party of liers and self lifting fools. They care nothing for We the People. They only care about how they can in rich themselves and their families. Past time for term limits and both parties rethink why they are in politics and who they work for. What a joke!


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