(Commenting on)  Democrat lawmaker fires staffer for vile post after Trump assassination attempt



  1. The staffer felt safe enough to post such hateful rederic only because of the environment that makes them feel that acceptable.
    So many felt as she did. If Trump was choking to death in a room full of political democrats would any of them help? The answer is no

  2. Thompson was the one that put forth a resolution to stop secret service detail to trump! If he wasn’t being forced to fire her, would he?????? Hell no!! They r total hypocrites!

  3. Every fake statement of outrage from democrats is nauseating. How stupid do they think we are? As they’re creating their public statements they are privately thinking: that was close. Hopefully the next one will have a better aim and take him out.

  4. This would be equivalent to a Republican saying come to Dallas and we will have a parade for you. That would go over like a lead balloon. Bennie Thompson is a disgrace to the state of Mississippi and should be Aston from Congress. I know many black citizens of Mississippi and they are good hard working people who are good neighbors to have. Bennie Thompson is not one of them.

  5. Regarding Congressman Thompson, it’s called covering your A$$… hope Missippians vote him out. Hateful democrat!

  6. DemocRATS are truly the most vile, disgusting human beings. If the situation were reversed, Republicans just don’t think like that. How disgusting. Special place in burning Hell for you vile people. #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica

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