We’re told to remember it, but is anything going to be done about it? You know, like what’s been done to Donald Trump!!
A little bit late don’t ya think! The DemoncRats would probably expedite the trial just so Camel-la could take office and run as the incumbent. This would most likely help her. The Biden crime family is guilty as sin. Take them to trial in January after the election just like they’ve done to OPT!
Nothing will have happened to Biden except the Coup by his own party.. his Weaponized government will protect him unlike Trump.
This deep state government will not give up their corruption or their power. We’re in for a fight America to get our country back and it’s not just by vote because they’re gonna cheat.
Just remember EVERYTHING they accused DJT of they have done or plan to do. If one cannot see this well there’s little hope for your empty sole. Junkie trashy low class shills and apparently it makes ~50% of the population feel good about their sorry classless selves.
Biden has been on the take since his first day in government. Put the man in GITMO. That’s why the Demoncrats are in a panic. This will be one hell of a cheat to keep power.
So what are they going to do about it???
What say DML???
Not a damn thing will come of it! The demoncrap cult will turn ig into a shit show
So 3 months from the election and the Republicans have found out what the whole country already has known! Just like with the 2020 election fraud and cheating they have done nothing on either cases and they will lose this election as well because of their lack of fortitude to ga after anyone!
Agree Fred. He was guilty of treason, money laundering, perjury, and a host of other garbage along with that dirtbag POS son of his. If the kamunist kommunist korrupt konniving K….sucking kackling kunt was complicit and knew about it, then kommie kammie is an accessory impeachable by imprisonment too. GITMO for both of them. But the dumb ass shills who support her and supported the scumbag biden will still vote for kommi-kammie. Braindead asses.
The Biden Family are all criminals. Joe has always been a criminal and a liar. Nothing will happen to them and the Republicans are a group of do nothings. They do not stick together and just like to talk. We all knew what the Biden family did and look where we are now. I pray every day that Kamala does not win or we are screwed as a country.
Obviously the Democrats knew this report was coming out months ago given Democrats also serve on these committees. That likely played a role in setting up a Biden/Trump debate so early and then the media piling on to replace Biden. I don’t buy it that this was a Kamala coup. She’s not that powerful. It makes more sense to me that this was a party decision knowing what was coming out on Biden. The Washington establishment doesn’t want the American people’s attention on how corrupt Washington operates, especially when inflation is causing so much economic pain on people.
3 years too late… Worthless at this point…
Blah blah blah. Now what? Not a fucking thing.
OK,OK,OK, but what the F is gonna be done about it. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. the republicans talk a great story, but then sit on their thumbs and it doesn’t go anywhere.
We’re told to remember it, but is anything going to be done about it? You know, like what’s been done to Donald Trump!!
A little bit late don’t ya think! The DemoncRats would probably expedite the trial just so Camel-la could take office and run as the incumbent. This would most likely help her. The Biden crime family is guilty as sin. Take them to trial in January after the election just like they’ve done to OPT!
Nothing will have happened to Biden except the Coup by his own party.. his Weaponized government will protect him unlike Trump.
This deep state government will not give up their corruption or their power. We’re in for a fight America to get our country back and it’s not just by vote because they’re gonna cheat.
Just remember EVERYTHING they accused DJT of they have done or plan to do. If one cannot see this well there’s little hope for your empty sole. Junkie trashy low class shills and apparently it makes ~50% of the population feel good about their sorry classless selves.
Biden has been on the take since his first day in government. Put the man in GITMO. That’s why the Demoncrats are in a panic. This will be one hell of a cheat to keep power.
So what are they going to do about it???
What say DML???
Not a damn thing will come of it! The demoncrap cult will turn ig into a shit show
So 3 months from the election and the Republicans have found out what the whole country already has known! Just like with the 2020 election fraud and cheating they have done nothing on either cases and they will lose this election as well because of their lack of fortitude to ga after anyone!
Agree Fred. He was guilty of treason, money laundering, perjury, and a host of other garbage along with that dirtbag POS son of his. If the kamunist kommunist korrupt konniving K….sucking kackling kunt was complicit and knew about it, then kommie kammie is an accessory impeachable by imprisonment too. GITMO for both of them. But the dumb ass shills who support her and supported the scumbag biden will still vote for kommi-kammie. Braindead asses.
The Biden Family are all criminals. Joe has always been a criminal and a liar. Nothing will happen to them and the Republicans are a group of do nothings. They do not stick together and just like to talk. We all knew what the Biden family did and look where we are now. I pray every day that Kamala does not win or we are screwed as a country.
Obviously the Democrats knew this report was coming out months ago given Democrats also serve on these committees. That likely played a role in setting up a Biden/Trump debate so early and then the media piling on to replace Biden. I don’t buy it that this was a Kamala coup. She’s not that powerful. It makes more sense to me that this was a party decision knowing what was coming out on Biden. The Washington establishment doesn’t want the American people’s attention on how corrupt Washington operates, especially when inflation is causing so much economic pain on people.
3 years too late… Worthless at this point…
Blah blah blah. Now what? Not a fucking thing.
OK,OK,OK, but what the F is gonna be done about it. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. the republicans talk a great story, but then sit on their thumbs and it doesn’t go anywhere.