(Commenting on)  DEBATE DILEMMA: Kamala wants to change debate rules, Trump campaign says enough is enough



  1. They want the unmuted mics so when President Trump interrupts her she has less speaking time. Their worried. 😂
    Hopefully Republican Party realizes this.

  2. This is Ll so ridiculous. When are Americans going to say enough is enough from Harris and just be done with her ignorance.

  3. She is so used to getting her own way. Stick to your guns President Trump and the rules are the rules. I’m so tired of her thinking the world revolves around this moton. She will look for anyway to get out of this debate. She isn’t qualified and I can’t wait for her to be knocked off the high horse the media has put her on.

  4. Another way to get out of the debate by saying Trump doesn’t comply.
    What a loser she is.
    Are these ppl that stupid they think we can’t see through her stupidity? Puh lease!

  5. I love the muted mics. It works in Trumps favor. If I ever here “I’m speaking” again I will throw up

  6. She’s doing everything she can to get out of a debate. She can’t talk on her own. She’s scared he will mop the floor with her and he will.

  7. The article states she wants unmuted microphones to prevent being interrupted. Someone needs to explain to her the purpose of a muted microphone is to prevent interruptions. She is either not very bright or she wants to be interrupted so she doesn’t have to answer any questions. I’m thinking the real reason for this demand is to get out of the debates. That makes the most sense.

    • Indeed !! That statement on interruption isn’t true . Trump should just ” mute” his mic while she yammers and just stand silent like he did with Magoo who did a great job sinking his own ship ,do the same to her

  8. I personally would want the debate to go with “MUTED MIC’s.” Just thinking of all the wondeful 2min word salads that woman would porduce off the cuff for us during the debate. It would be amazing, simply amazing. She is comic relief, the iron chef of incoherent speech.

  9. Does she want someone to turn to the correct page in her notes for her. We know for damn sure she’s not capable!

  10. I say use the same rules as the last debate with Biden. He will wipe the floor with her and he’s more disciplined that way, more presidential. She’s a word salad Annie.

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