This show should be canceled right now !! They are disgusting bunch of foul mouth hen heads!
I agree with you 100%! They are the ugliest souls on tv.
I would expect nothing more of those useless hags!
Does anyone really give a damn what the women (and I use the term loosely) of the pathetic View think? They are a joke! I wouldn’t watch that show if you held a gun to my head. gmab!
Who gives a $h!t about the view…just a bunch of old angry women who are so closed minded they wouldn’t give time to Trump supporters even if Harris won.
The hens on the view are vile ugly creatures. They add no value to society.
Agree! Agree! This dumb show needs to go! Overpaid waste of TV space. I never watch it, never will. Saw clips of it only. 🤮
Thier viewers are to blame ,without them.tbere would be no pigs at the trough..
I agree with all of the above what I can’t understand is how so many women watch this crap! For goodness sake there are a lot better shows to watch. What is the ratings on this crappy show?
Those who watch The View are dumber for it.
I was so hoping they would just run away with their tails between their legs. I’m so sick of hearing sound bites from them or reading anything about them.
Ana is worse than Joy and Whoopi’e imo on this show. She’s no conservative , not even close. And the other Rino is avtotal idiot out for money.
I’m surprised Megan spoke out against them . Never was a fan of hers but I’m thinking she does realize her mistake she made voting for Biden/Harris and the damage it did to America.
All four of those “C” sucking twats should be removed. That show is the most trashy show ever. 3 minutes of watching it is all I could take, nnneeexxxxxxxttttttt. Channel flip.
Get lost sea hags. You are polluting our breathable air. It’s time for change. The view needs to be removed from the airwaves.
It isn’t likely the show will be canceled with the attention they get. If whoopie shaves the side of her head until there’s only an inch of center stripe left, it will boost the ratings. Before she goes completely joy reid, there are a few more designs I’d love to see on her empty skull.
The vagina voter commies love this disgusting 🤮 anti American anti constitutional conservative propaganda these scumbags put out. Perversion, hate, and racism is all these clowns promote. Propaganda box is alive and well and these commies are first in line along with all the commie news networks.
They do do a lot of spewing hate and blame us for spewing hate. There are some on the right that have sowed hate as well, nobody is perfect, but, the view is horrible.
Look, Trump could offer every single American free food and housing during his term and they’d find something to complain about.
Misery loves company and this show is 1,000% proof of that.
Where’s the “diversity “ that they scream so loudly about?
Just like all those “rally’s” that state “All are welcome here” or “Not in my town” houses with that sign show up in MAGA hat see how quick they whine and shame you!
I can’t believe that anyone with half a brain watches that show! The bias and hate they spew towards conservatives is
Sickening and outrageous! They obviously do not represent the majority of people in this country!! They indeed do not represent all American women! The only reason they would ever have a conservative on their show is to bash them and publicly demean them! They are despicable people! I can’t understand how that awful show stays on the air!
Isn’t it ironic that the network was bragging about the highest ratings in years after the election, yet we all know it was just trump supporters tuning in to see all the corn fed pigs heads explode.
This show should be canceled right now !! They are disgusting bunch of foul mouth hen heads!
I agree with you 100%! They are the ugliest souls on tv.
I would expect nothing more of those useless hags!
Does anyone really give a damn what the women (and I use the term loosely) of the pathetic View think? They are a joke! I wouldn’t watch that show if you held a gun to my head. gmab!
Who gives a $h!t about the view…just a bunch of old angry women who are so closed minded they wouldn’t give time to Trump supporters even if Harris won.
The hens on the view are vile ugly creatures. They add no value to society.
Agree! Agree! This dumb show needs to go! Overpaid waste of TV space. I never watch it, never will. Saw clips of it only. 🤮
Thier viewers are to blame ,without them.tbere would be no pigs at the trough..
I agree with all of the above what I can’t understand is how so many women watch this crap! For goodness sake there are a lot better shows to watch. What is the ratings on this crappy show?
Those who watch The View are dumber for it.
I was so hoping they would just run away with their tails between their legs. I’m so sick of hearing sound bites from them or reading anything about them.
Ana is worse than Joy and Whoopi’e imo on this show. She’s no conservative , not even close. And the other Rino is avtotal idiot out for money.
I’m surprised Megan spoke out against them . Never was a fan of hers but I’m thinking she does realize her mistake she made voting for Biden/Harris and the damage it did to America.
All four of those “C” sucking twats should be removed. That show is the most trashy show ever. 3 minutes of watching it is all I could take, nnneeexxxxxxxttttttt. Channel flip.
Get lost sea hags. You are polluting our breathable air. It’s time for change. The view needs to be removed from the airwaves.
It isn’t likely the show will be canceled with the attention they get. If whoopie shaves the side of her head until there’s only an inch of center stripe left, it will boost the ratings. Before she goes completely joy reid, there are a few more designs I’d love to see on her empty skull.
The vagina voter commies love this disgusting 🤮 anti American anti constitutional conservative propaganda these scumbags put out. Perversion, hate, and racism is all these clowns promote. Propaganda box is alive and well and these commies are first in line along with all the commie news networks.
They do do a lot of spewing hate and blame us for spewing hate. There are some on the right that have sowed hate as well, nobody is perfect, but, the view is horrible.
Look, Trump could offer every single American free food and housing during his term and they’d find something to complain about.
Misery loves company and this show is 1,000% proof of that.
Where’s the “diversity “ that they scream so loudly about?
Just like all those “rally’s” that state “All are welcome here” or “Not in my town” houses with that sign show up in MAGA hat see how quick they whine and shame you!
I can’t believe that anyone with half a brain watches that show! The bias and hate they spew towards conservatives is
Sickening and outrageous! They obviously do not represent the majority of people in this country!! They indeed do not represent all American women! The only reason they would ever have a conservative on their show is to bash them and publicly demean them! They are despicable people! I can’t understand how that awful show stays on the air!
“”Anti- Trump” sentiment Aka “TDS” (Trump Derangement Syndrome) it’s an incurable mental disease”
Isn’t it ironic that the network was bragging about the highest ratings in years after the election, yet we all know it was just trump supporters tuning in to see all the corn fed pigs heads explode.