(Commenting on)  CRACKDOWN: Trump admin announces new rules to prevent awarding illegals with taxpayer benefits



  1. Thank God ….that’s a few trillion right there now you illegals can GTFO gravy train is parked and going nowhere .

  2. How was this ever set up for non citizens and illegal aliens to have access to SBA funds when I know of legal Americans denied funding?

    • They use their ITIN to get the SBa. They use the ITIN to steal mortgage loans and tax refunds. I am beyond surprised DOGE hasnt figured that out.

  3. Here are a few items that Trump’s tram need to address in terms if illegals gaming our system:

    1. Stop giving illegals tax refunds when they file using their ITIN

    2. Ban the ITIN from being used by illegals; it is costing us billions$

    3. Stop illegals from obtaining mortgages. This is an absolute scam and hurts American citizen home buyers.

    • You’re so correct! The local left wing rag was all aglow last year that illegals from Guatemala were GIVEN (aka bought with taxpayer funds) a house. Called them “newcomers”. We’ve been shelling out billions to illegals getting upwards of $50k to start a business. Meanwhile Americans got nothing except a tax bill.


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