(Commenting on)  CONTROVERSY: GOP Nominee Robinson Says ‘Some Folks Need Killing!,’ Angering Liberals



    • Everyone thinks unless it’s said about republicans it’s horrible. But it’s no different. However some things are probably best not spoken out loud or you have a visit. Not condoning anything just stating facts.

    • Why haven’t the secret service dragged that ugly immoral dyke lia delaria out by her ankles and thrown her in jail for suggesting violence against President Trump. I guess her comment will be allowed to stand. I don’t like this comment from Mr. Robinson either, but we can’t tape people’s mouths shut. It would have been better left unsaid. I know that Mr. Robinson was referring to the murders by illegals that recently occurred of young women, but it was stated poorly.

  1. That’s my man! Let’s start with the degenerates that raped for 2 hours and then strangled Jocelyn Nungeray and also Laken Riley!!! I still get teary eyed when I think of the terror they both went thru before they died.🥲🥲

  2. At least he has the balls to say it! We need more like him! He said nothing wrong! Just stating the truth!


  4. I think the same way, but common sense and decency will always prevail leave the killing to the left. Yeah I think it but let God be the Judge. Be a uniter and a Servant Statesman, Goodness decency and common will always prevail .

  5. He’s right!! No different than the lunatics on the left, calling for Biden to exercise presidential immunity and take out Trump. I don’t think they’re referring to taking him out for lunch.

  6. The man has the courage to speak the truth. The HAMAS terrorists need to be eliminated! The moulahs of Iran need to be eliminated! The Hesboula(sp) terrorists need to be eliminated! The list could go on and on. I did not hear that political opponents should be killed. Only LibTards hear what they want to hear.
    🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 TRUMP TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    • You covered all of them Claude. I agree. The only good terrorist no matter where they are from is a dead one. Load their dead ass carcasses up in a canoe and throw them in the ocean as shark bait. Sharks are hungry these days, especially females protecting their young. Trump 2024.

  7. The perpetrators of the violent rapes and murders should all go straight to the gallows IMO.

    Years ago (and it’s probably changed by now) I read that the Dominican Republic had zero incidences if drunk driving. Why? If you were caught on a DUI, you were shot. Dead. Extreme punishments result in definite attitude changes. Can those punishments be abused? Certainly. But they do work. Just look at how Dem cities have horrible crime rates because criminals are released before the ink is dry on their arrest reports. $1 bail. The opposite side of the punishment scale leads only to more crime.

    BTW, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put land mines along parts of the southern border…post warning signs in multiple languages.

  8. I agree Claude , Trump let the military do what they do best , kept politics out of it. We the people ,Trump 2024 🇺🇸 .

  9. Oh big deal! The left always calls for violence so who cares? We all know it’s a matter of time. Fortunately we are the ones with the guns and back bones and our men don’t think they’re women!

  10. Well I believe he just lost this election. Evil only begets evil. Don’t get me wrong we need to remove the bad but killing never works. My choice is putting then in Getmo Bay that’s my suggestion

  11. And the democrats main concern above everything is to maintain the ability to kill their children. But to them that’s different?

  12. Why didn’t I see all of this outrage over comments from celebrities calling for Biden to order the assassination of President Trump? The democrats are such hypocrites its sickening. Whatever is okay for them to say or do against conservatives, has to be okay for it to be done to them.

  13. First as usual his comment is not taken with the full statement. I was going to condemn what he said until I read it in the full context.
    Evil people need killing. Yep he is right they do

  14. He said NOTHING wrong!!!
    Stop being so spineless..
    You’re offended by words..
    I’m offended that you’re so weak that words hurt you!!!

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