(Commenting on)  CONSEQUENCES: AG Bondi charges people involved in Tesla attacks, PLUS man caught keying Tesla



  1. This is just nuts!! I don’t care what the person next to me in a parking lot believes or whether they have a vehicle made by someone I don’t align with politically or whatever I’m not going to risk my freedom and my well being to vandalize their vehicle!! OMG the level of sheer stupidity is astounding!!

  2. The scum of the earth, you cannot make up the evil of these commie cult devil DEMONcrates. They continue being a total embarrassment to our republic. Pathetic scumbags

  3. Give them the max sentence and hand them the bill for the damages they caused. Even if it means they loose all their property and assets. Hit them where it hurts. Their freedoms and their pocket books.

  4. Showing the true colors of the Democrat crazies mentally ill loonies yes I believe all of the jabs + boosters make them even crazier maybe they’ll change their behavior when they’re held accountable for their actions

  5. AG Pam Bondi must lock them up immediately and set the example. These lunatics are out of their minds but also Maxine and Crockofsh!T should be charged with inciting violence. These little sheep do as they’re told. Just disgusting. Over what? Elon saving our tax dollars? You can’t make this sh!t up.

  6. Go after Tampon Tim too! He was elated about Tesla stock plummeting. To promote such a thing is a crime. It’s as bad as the physical acts!


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