(Commenting on)  CONCERNING: Job openings plunge to lowest level since Biden presidency began



  1. One thing that angers me is the Kamala Harris commercials. Claiming they know Americans are suffering and they will fix it.. ignore the fact that Bidens/Harris have created the problems.. we have lived two administrations. Trumps and Bidens. I know who I was doing better under. Somehow the Dems are blaming everyone but them. The greedy companies, covid , Trump and the rich. They truly believe the American people are dumb.

  2. Does this mean that businesses are closing due to high costs and no workers willing to work, or more jobs have been reclaimed since covid, thus resulting in the plunge to the lowest level ever. There are two ways to look at this issue. Just like kamala the kunt’s commercial. bidenomics is working, BARF. Nothing works with this horrific administration. They both suck big dick.

  3. Um, she’s in office now. Why not fix the problem now? They insult our integrity everytime their mouth opens!

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