New York times( failure) and Media matters( failure) You want to silence the Conservative podcasters! Not happening!!!!
This is so pathetic that it shows even more how desperate you people are because Biden/ Harris are ruining America and Kamala is losing, so your last ditch effort is disgraceful.It will NOT work! You go low, conservatives kick ass!!
All the democrats are doing is lying and the next democrat verifying it’s good information backing up each others lies
There is no end to the cheating by the demoncrap cult
No surprise!
I hope they all sue
New York times( failure) and Media matters( failure) You want to silence the Conservative podcasters! Not happening!!!!
This is so pathetic that it shows even more how desperate you people are because Biden/ Harris are ruining America and Kamala is losing, so your last ditch effort is disgraceful.It will NOT work! You go low, conservatives kick ass!!
All the democrats are doing is lying and the next democrat verifying it’s good information backing up each others lies
There is no end to the cheating by the demoncrap cult