(Commenting on)  CLASH: Stephanopoulos vs. Donalds on ABC (video)



  1. Race baiting pandering scumbag, nothing but a cockroach pošŸ’© period. Little fā€™n shrimp girlie boy.

  2. So Stepanopolis can keep bringing it up…he must think šŸ«la isn’t black…such a “journalistic” hack!

  3. Sheā€™s NOT black (except when she ā€œthinksā€ it benefits her). A Jamaican parent is not black. They have dark skin but the ones I know donā€™t identify as ā€œblack.ā€ Shes Indian and Jamaican not black!
    George needs to just stop it. Heā€™s the one that kept harping on it.

    Now. Trump must continue to say all her lies and get off that topic.

  4. George is so disgusting & bias, I canā€™t stand the idiot! Iā€™ve never heard her referred to as black until it suited her, period! Thatā€™s a fact so get over it Georgie!

  5. kamala only uses her partial black heritage when it suits the issue or if there is an all-black crowd she is speaking to. Thank you Byron Donalds for putting stepanopolis in his place. stepanopolis kept interrupting, which is damn annoying, yet he is the one who pushed the issue many times by bringing it up again. stepanopolis needs to focus on issues rather than color-of-skin and race. He has nothing else, just skin color, right george?????????????? Asshole.

  6. George is a wealthy buffoon who made his fortune as the vocal sycophant of the extreme left. There were no slurs; George invented that narrative in the interview to pivot from Donalds effective debate facts. Typical of brainless leftists.

  7. I wish Donaldā€™s would have said, so you wonā€™t admit what the American people care about and the leftist Policies that are hurting our Country. You canā€™t trust the left Communist media. People are waking up, and seeing what fools they are.

  8. Typical liberal media race baiting.
    Stephanopolous is why I no longer tune into Good Morning America.

  9. We, on the right donā€™t give a s*** what her race is. Her policies suck and far worse than Bidenā€™s – thatā€™s what we care about.
    The left makes everything about race and they really are the part of racism and hate and with terrible policies

  10. Obama is bi-racial (his mom is white, dad black) but since his skin came out black, people just say heā€™s black. I never heard people calling him bi-racial. You can find picture of his parents online.

  11. George is nuts. That’s why Trump can’t win with the media. He answers their questions no matter what they ask him. He rather talk about his policies but they won’t ask him. Trump unlike Donaldson won’t quit answering the question and Donaldson will try to move on.

  12. WOW!!! What an ignorant piece of shit! The demoncrap cult is obsessed with racism! They want to constantly accuse republicans of being racist when they in fact are the racist pigs!

  13. George please ! Pushing the race card isnā€™t going to work again . Kamala is a wacko free ranging hoe . Black, Indian, Jamaican, Irish, white or Mexican ā€¦ Who gives a rats ass . She just no good for America, sheā€™s a CCP backed liberal with bad intensions for America.

  14. Wow. Talk about talking to a brick wall. Georgie just canā€™t seem to leave the race card alone. Heā€™s the one who kept bring it up!

  15. Saw video of Judge Joe Brown who said he knew Kamalaā€™s father, and he claimed to be caucasian. Said his father was Irish and his mother was Hindu. Kamalaā€™s mother is Indian (India). Kamalaā€™s father was born in Jamaica.

  16. Goodness gracious STOMPOLOPIDUS. Please stop it. Stomp, stomp on the same crap. Stop stomping on the same crap. I can’t stand these IDIOTS. Uhh, I mean people? Uhh, is that what they are? I forget. Great job Mr. Donald’s. Stompolopidus had nothing important to ask. Who gives a crap of whatever Kamala is at any given moment. Pick one. One day she’s Indian. Another day she’s black. Then from the hood and the new one, a Southern Belle. The damn woman is a chameleon.

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