NO NO NO to McCarthy for chief of staff or anything else.Rino pos.
Stephen, took the words right off my index finger!!!!
Rubio would be good. Dont know much about Bergrum.
Tulsey Gabbard for Defense Secretary
Trump is to use to hiring and firing if they don’t work out. I think he learned a lot from his past administration I hope so at least. We don’t need Scaramuchi or Armerosia . Trump has a habit of saying people are the best until they aren’t…
NO NO NO to McCarthy for chief of staff or anything else.Rino pos.
Stephen, took the words right off my index finger!!!!
Rubio would be good. Dont know much about Bergrum.
Tulsey Gabbard for Defense Secretary
Trump is to use to hiring and firing if they don’t work out. I think he learned a lot from his past administration I hope so at least. We don’t need Scaramuchi or Armerosia . Trump has a habit of saying people are the best until they aren’t…