(Commenting on)  CLAIM: Brittney Griner, former anti-national anthem advocate, says she suffered racist taunts during basketball games



  1. Translation: new fan is someone who attends a game to see the white girl play. Racial slur is when a new fan cheers when the white girl makes a good play. It’s so strange with all of the cameras and microphones around the basketball court, there is no recorded evidence to support this accusation.

  2. Oh look, just in time for the election. She’s has her marching orders and she’s beholden to the machine that got her out of Russia. Just my opinion.

  3. I will give her another year and she’ll be taking the knee or some other anti American shenanigans. As far as racism, i think she is inventing that story.

  4. She has a deep voice. I really never listened to her speak. As for her accusations I don’t believe her until a cameraman or analysts back her up

  5. She is a trans dude… you’re lucky you’re even here to play… Biden/Harris got you out and left an American Vet in Russia, which is where you should be!!

  6. Why do people call Griner a “she”? I will not play this transgender, mentally unbalanced game. These people need psychological help.
    If these “messed up” boys want to play sports then they need to start their own league.

  7. I could care less about this “person” or her feelings! She is a traitor to our country in my book and should have been left sitting in jail in Russia!

  8. So now we are supposed to feel sorry for this POS. Your sorry ass got back to America only because of a deal. An American Patriot should have been in your place, you maggot. You carried drugs you were not allowed to carry. Your responsibility to check on what is and is not allowed in your luggage when you are traveling to locations outside America.. You should have been made to stay the hell there and serve time. All you know how to do is shoot hoops. Dribble, bitch or whatever the hell you identify as, dribble.

  9. We don’t appreciate you disrespecting our country Brittney. Can dish it out but you can’t take it! Oh well ppl don t take kindly to your actions either! God and country all the way

  10. Just look at that thing’s position when he/she sits. That’s a trans. Only guys sit with their legs apart like that as to air it out, ehh Brittney? Is that called airing out the crotch?

  11. She isn’t a good basketball player anymore. Retire already! None patriotic to America! So F- that. Vote🇺🇸Trump/Vance🇺🇸✌️

  12. Oh boo hoo. Cry me a river

    That is not a lady. Why was she in the men’s jail? No sympathy here. I don’t believe a thing. Put the race card away

  13. Oh my Lord. She’s the one who won the trophy??? Looks like a dude to me. People don’t like you for your actions girl !!!!!

  14. Is this the same basketball player that the Demonrat president fought to be released from a Russian jail for drug possession and let a Marine veteran sit there to rot on bogus spy charges?

    • Unfortunately, biden the brain-dead meat suit dumb ass donkey butt fought to get this racist POS back home and left an American Patriot behind. Outrageous. I despise brain dead joe for that and many other things.

  15. That is a male thru & thru!!!! I’ve seen pictures of him bare chested!! They’re on the internet, if you take time to dig far enough!!!!!

  16. Russians said she is actually a he. I wish they had just kept him. He can go from the country anytime he wants and good riddance.
    He doesn’t appreciate unhappy hands will we don’t appreciate your understanding American ass so f/off

  17. Hmmmm the only racism is against the little “white” girl that’s actually pretty good and your racist culture can’t stand it. Your fake narrative is old and quite frankly bull💩. We have endured decades of you whiney complaining over nothing. Sports in general has been ruined in my option by your childish ignorant culture, I stopped watching any of it, gotta love the clown show that goes on in the end zone it’s stupid, childish and classless. Pathetic losers

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