(Commenting on)  CHILLING REPORT: House Republicans blast Harris over 1.7 million ‘special interest aliens’, PLUS new look at what’s coming…



    • Along with the whole CORRUPT administration, especially Sleepy, Mayorkas & ButtplugšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

  1. Impeachment of those who are complicit in these crimes is the first step that must be taken. Secondly they should be convicted of treason for not following immigration laws that forbid this. Thirdly they need to be incarcerated for their crimes against this country. Actions, not words!

  2. And because the fake MSM doesn’t report any of this the stupid libtards thinks the Biden Harris administration are great. Oh and it’s all trumps fault

  3. This is an INVASION of all men aided and abetted by Biden/Harris. ANYTHING to get potential votes into the country. Next step will be amnesty and immediate citizenship granted to allow votingā€¦. Or no citizenship even needed to vote. These Democrats are not Americans!

    We are headed into a state like Venezuela if Harris et al are not stopped.

    • This is all headed for a civil war at levels we have never seen. They know how to cut off communication, food supply and yes your bank account. why are the elites building bunkers mostly in Hawaii. Wait till they deplore our service men and women to other countries to fight, while America is looking at war right here on this soil.

  4. This absolutely insane!!! Stop the madness!!! WHY are we allowing Biden/Harris to do this and destroy our country??? Canā€™t they be charged with treason??? šŸ¤¬ WTF???

  5. This is what I don’t understand. The tv pundit sounding the alarm have not done much more then that. Where are the arrivals of impeachment? Where are the hearings? Force main stream media to report on the truth. Instead they allow our country to be ran by a shadow group. Soros? Worse?
    I don’t believe this is just about votes. I think this is about changing our country with people who are use to being controlled. We will fight on our own streets. Many if these people want us dead ..
    When Trump gets in office they will deport the criminals. They will lawyer up and sue the county you watch.. this administration should be held for crimes against America!

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