(Commenting on)  CHILLING DETAILS: Walz state education appointee calls for the US to be ‘overthrown’, pushes radical program in schools



  1. Dear God in heaven! I use to teach in Minnesota 50 yrs ago. My, my. How it has changed and not for the better! Please, people, THINK! Is this really what you want as an education program for your children? Get some spine!! This is not right!!

  2. Evidently both Walz and Lozenski are sick in the head. No same person could/would/should endorse such concepts, no less push them onto young minds. It’s horribly disgusting what children are being exposed to already, but the CRT 🐂💩 will only create mental turmoil and self hatred in white children and anger in non-whites. It’s all bad

  3. What do you expect?Walz is a communist making 30+ trips to China and dining with Xi.Harris’ father is a Marxist professor at Berkeley.Obama’s father was a Marxist.And dumb asses will vote for the further destruction of our country. My father’s family came here in the early 1600s and my mother’s family came on the Mayflower.We have fought in every war to gain and keep our freedom.I’ll be damned if I will live under communism/socialism

  4. Anyone who is not pro American does not deserve to prospering this country. There are to many people in high places teaching this s__t to our young people.

  5. What a f’n idiot and of course he’s pushing the decades old false narrative. These clowns have learned they can make lots of money AND get “special” policies/laws in place so there is no longer a “level” playing field AND they can shove ol whitey out of the way with ease because they too are ignorant condescending trolls that have brought into the false racist narrative.

  6. Last time I saw Walz on Tv etc. His skin is white! I can’t wait till the Debate between Vance and Walz ! I hope Vance rips him a new one! Walz is out there like his crazy eyed wife

  7. We grew up and learned our American History. The Government has lied and stolen from us for two hundred years. From within they are destroying our children and grandchildren. I firmly believe WE have had ENOUGH. They have destroyed the American dream. They have GOT to be held accountable!!!! Sick of all the different committees saying they are checking on stuff. Didn’t President Trump say he was gonna appt ELON, to hold accountable all the different NO NONCENCE agencies?!!

  8. What ever happened to teaching ways to make a decent living, grow a family, be successful and follow your dreams in today’s modern hectic world? We don’t need kids brainwashed and becoming
    another burden in our society because of the inability to react and face real-world challenges.


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