(Commenting on)  CHIEFS’ GIRLS: Patrick Mahomes speaks out on Trump’s compliment to wife following Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala



  1. Mahomes answered that question perfectly.
    Why people think they have to hate each other because of politics is ridiculous

  2. I believe Swifts endorsing will get Harris most all the 7 to 17 year old votes !!! Just another rich insignificant out of touch celebrity !!! No matter who is elected , she will still have her security force, private jets, food , medicines and fuel prices will never affect her, so her enforcement with normal people Carry’s about as much support for Harris as Putin as supporting Harris !!

  3. Swift thinks she is the boss, I would like to say one day she will wake up but I really don’t think that will ever happen! No brain, no headache ! Did anyone really think that a person who endorsed Hillary, and Biden would wake up ???

  4. Hmmm, will never ever understand why it matters what these overpaid punks say or do, they are not GODS so stop the pandering and patronizing. Ignorant fools.

  5. Lots of luck to kam-u-nist getting the 12-17 year old votes unless they lied and their parents registered them as age eligible. taylor swift may be rich but she is no brighter than a sand grain or head lettuce. It is filled with water and has no substance and no food value. In fact, head lettuce is a ZERO.

  6. Swift is being propped by The Swamp. They made her and they can relegate her to the trashbin of history and she knows it. It’s payback time baby. She never would’ve made it on her own.

  7. Not only is Patrick a true blue GOAT like Brady, but I admire greatly two things that have come out lately: he refuses to use his professional standing to publicly support a candidate, AND yet supports his wife’s right to do so. KUDOS

  8. I wish celebrities, singers, athletes, and such would follow the Dolly Parton rule – Don’t discuss politics because you will lose half of your audience. She says her platform is used for entertainment because she’s an entertainer.
    Wish all would do the same thing!

  9. I don’t get all the hoopla over Swift. I just don’t. She lives in her little bubble and has no idea how regular Americans are suffering. Does she really have that much power?

  10. This is the land of the free if you don’t like it get a plane ✈️ ticket and go where someone actually gives a flying care 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸

  11. Truly amazing that ANYONE would vote for a particular Candidate, only because their “Star” endorsed them! Remember people, you have a brain, your very own and you have the right to vote based on what you think. Be true to yourself. So, ask yourself, do you think some folks might just be using you for a Vote?? Think on that for awhile…

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