(Commenting on)  CHEAT ALERT: Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes



  1. Black robes of evil UN American garbage need to flipping burgers LIBERALS HAS ONLY ONE PLACE THEY CAN HAVE A POSITION IN THEY NEED TO BE A TOILT SEATS……DISGUSTING

    • But even voting in person for Trump won’t change the cheat. They will find just enough ballots for a narrow margin to make it look believable. It’s the counters who have to be watched with monitors and the ballots for proper signatures and to make sure the outer envelopes are valid. I believe both outer and inner envelopes need to be dated and signed. I have not used a drop box ever. I don’t recall if it was WI or not, but remember, the unfolded paper ballots that were found that only had joe’s name on them and no other names. What a bunch a of filthy despicable pigs. Maybe it can be overturned if there is enough stink about it and legal action taken to appeal. There is absolutely no reason for drop boxes. If you can drive to a fucking drop box, you can drive to the polls to vote in person.

  2. These bastards are setting up for a cheat again, right? FU, you despicable pigs. You allegedly think you are smarter than cheese. Getting it all in line for another invented pandemic again; this time, it’s bird flu. Nothing sticking to the wall where Trump is concerned, so now you have to reinstate drop boxes which were the biggest source of fraud in the country in 2020. In addition, the dominion machines being hooked up to the internet when they tried to assure Americans that no machines were internet accessible. Bullshit. Why was that issue addressed in your dominion operations manual published by dominion?

  3. The courts have no Say with election rules. The Constitution allows only the legislature to enact rules for elections .

  4. The republican party in Wisconsin is a joke, they didn’t do shit to stop the last liberal judge from being elected and they haven’t done shit to fix the problems from the last election. Can you say Uniparty?

  5. You can be sure every liberials state with a liberal majority will be doing or trying to do the same thing……cheat, cheat and cheat some more

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