(Commenting on)  CAUGHT: Google Censoring Trump Assassination Attempt



  1. Just another filthy web search tool that suppresses conservatives and information. YOU AIN’T THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN google. That is exactly why I don’t use them to search. It makes me livid when some asshole tells me to “google it” GTFO of my face. Don’t tell me to google anything. I don’t need that site to survive.

  2. Scotus Ruled.
    Social Media can do wtf they want and those in charge can influence what Google n FB n all the resr can or not put out…

  3. Does google actually think we are that stupid that we don’t know how to use another search engine. google, you are just another LIB-TURD in the grinder pump, cesspool swamp based in californication. You are the ruination of America. FO google. Hope you sink in your own swamp.

  4. DML, I shared this story on my Facebook page
    Within 15 minutes I was slapped with a warning and they scrubbed the post from my timeline. They really don’t want the truth out there. The censorship is in full on mode!!

    • Is Elon negotiating with them? I have not heard anything. I was pleased to see he was moving his business out of california. Billionaire Elon Musk recently announced that he’s moving the headquarters for his companies SpaceX and X out of California after the passage of a controversial new bill. The Bill, Elon Musk exiting California due to AB 1955, a bill that prohibits schools from notifying parents of changes in a child’s gender identity. Hats off to Elon.

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