(Commenting on)  CASH GRAB: NYC robbery crew hits nearly 50 stores — taking ATMs and tens of thousands of dollars



    • They don’t know how much money is in the ATM’s? Bull. It’s computerized. Detailed records are kept of what is deposited by the armored company, and what is left.
      Probably too embarrassed to mention just how much these thieves got.

  1. They don’t know how much money is in the ATM’s? Bull. It’s computerized. Detailed records are kept of what is deposited by the armored company, and what is left.
    Probably too embarrassed to mention just how much these thieves got.

  2. I agree about them knowing the amount stolen.
    It is time that there is several punishment for crime. We need to bring back hard labor. We need to bring back public executions we need to bring back stockaids. Put these teenage thugs in some stockaids in the middle of town square and let some rotten veggies thrown at them. Let them sit their in their own shit during a rain storm and see how fast crime goes down..

  3. Nothing but a 💩state full of commie scumbags that are for a lawless society, more of the smash and grab posse doing what they do best steal and destroy property. A third world state that’s full of socialist punks that are destroying our republic one state at a time allowed by our corrupt politicians led by the puppet masters. Most likely there will be an intermission for the next 4 years and after that the devil DEMONcrates and their posse of dummies will finish the job their commie asses started.

  4. You dumba$$es keep voting DUMBocRATS into office what do you expect? No consequences for their crime actions. Illegals running rampant destroying that beautiful city, again, keep voting stupid DUMBocRATS in. No sympathy. You get what you vote for. Just keep your sanctuary state freeloaders the Hell away from other REPUBLICAN SANE STATES.


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