The ATF is a useless organization that has been weaponized for too long! Do not assimilate it in too any other department shut it down and let the corrupt agents work at McDonald’s!!
Yes! Get rid of the ATF! What a sneaky thing to do. We want people who want to keep America great, not some under qualified DEI higher. I hope Trump dissolves the department. Save a lot of money!
Totally agree. They don’t serve any real purpose other than draw big unnecessary salaries and benefits.
ATF is useless. Get rid of their sorry asses and save the tax payer money.
This country gets more ignorant by the day, keep protecting these dummies that are dragging the job market down to hell. Propping the dummies up is NOT the answer no matter how hard you try or what their title is.
Yes get rid of all of them! Your Fired!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸# MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸
The ATF is a useless organization that has been weaponized for too long! Do not assimilate it in too any other department shut it down and let the corrupt agents work at McDonald’s!!
Yes! Get rid of the ATF! What a sneaky thing to do. We want people who want to keep America great, not some under qualified DEI higher. I hope Trump dissolves the department. Save a lot of money!
Totally agree. They don’t serve any real purpose other than draw big unnecessary salaries and benefits.
ATF is useless. Get rid of their sorry asses and save the tax payer money.
This country gets more ignorant by the day, keep protecting these dummies that are dragging the job market down to hell. Propping the dummies up is NOT the answer no matter how hard you try or what their title is.
Yes get rid of all of them! Your Fired!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸# MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸
ATF needs to be gone, you just proved why!