(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Trump scores another big endorsement from former Democrat



  1. Great! Problem being Trump can have 49 States and the demonrats will still cheat and cheat and cheat and lie.
    Keep your eyes open wide.

  2. Am I the only one who remembers the videos of the polling places in 2020 hard at work after kicking out the Republican poll watchers?

  3. Thank you lord in Heaven for opening eyes and hearts to leave the evil party of Democrats who spew hate and killing and war! It’s no longer our dad’s party!we welcome the democrats who have opened their eyes to the truth finally! Please lead President Trump back into office together our nation back into a country based of God and love!

  4. I’ve always loved this person! I never felt like she should be a Democrat! When I heard her talk Welcome Tulsi!

  5. Every little bit helps to offset whatever cheating plans the Dems have up their sleeves this election…

  6. Heard some left wing shill today saying that Kommiela is so popular he wouldn’t be surprised if she won all of Biden’s 81 million votes.

    Obviously that’s the cheating target

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