(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Trump releases statement, Zelenskyy kicked out of White House



  1. Of course Zelenskyy doesn’t want to end the war! He’s cancelled elections and now reigns as though he were a king. He doesn’t want to relinquish power. Then if the war ends, so does the billions flowing into his country, being laundered into his pockets and those of the oligarchs. Because of the war, he’s managed to buy 2 yachts for 75 million, has a villa on the Mediterranean, a luxury condo in Manhattan, his wife has millions in jewelry and shops for designer clothes in Paris. He thinks he’s still dealing with meat suit Biden, who I’m sure took his 10%.

    That nasty gnome doesn’t know who he’s dealing with now. Shows no respect to our President or the office in which he is sitting. Wears the same sort of clothing that he thought made him look like some embattled commander. Might have worked with Pelosi, but sure AF didn’t with Trump.

  2. Zelenski thought he was coming to collect an easy millions check from the Dems and Pelosi give him another kiss he just hit a brick wall w Trump got his butt whipped and embarrassed in public

  3. When other nations cut him off and his people remove him from power by force he will be stripped of his wealth by the people. He’s forgetting that the conservative movement in Germany just won the election and he will be cut off there as well. When tge money ru s out so will he.

  4. Incredibly rude, ungrateful, low class little turd, who the heck does he think he is that he can come over here and speak to OUR President like that. He has been so used to demanding our help and our 100’s of $BILLIONS that corrupt old Joe just kept handing over, he obviously doesn’t like being told NO MORE, here’s the deal etc. That corrupt, sick pos can go to hell.

  5. Zelensky is a coke addict and totally irrational. Many in his circle have leaked he uses cocaine like Al Pacino in Scarface. He is coming to an end.

  6. Some are saying this shouldn’t have happened on TV, well I say I’m glad I was able to watch for myself. That way the news can’t turn things around. We were able to see live and I loved it. Zelensky is a user, he thought he could get away with things like with Hollow Biden. This guy needs the U.S., unless he changes his way he will be on his own.

  7. Good Riddens!! He is so disrespectful and used to dealing with the pushover Dems. He acts like the US owes him! We need to start pushing following the money and make him accountable for every penny we sent over there!!! He has treated the US like we are his personal ATM!! He doesn’t want peace! He wants to maintain his power at our expense! Way to go Trump/Vance!! Put him in his place real quick!!

  8. And to think I was upset about being called off work today only to watch this fiasco live! It was great to see that little weasel get put in his place.
    I wish he would have been asked, on camera, where all the money disappeared to.


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