(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Trump federal election interference case sent back to trial court after SCOTUS ruling



  1. Oh so the person supporting Kamala is saying the Judge being from Jamaica is going to rule against Trump because she is from the same background as Kamala !! Really !!

  2. Justice should be blind! Apparently, every black person is an enemy of Trump or so they want you to believe so. Jan 6 was. Pelosi+Schummer drama….planned and indicted, prosecuted and convicted in a blink of an eye! This is their well planned scenario to put DJT in jail and throw away the key! It’s such disgusting behavior especially when their pre planned bullet killed an innocent man!

  3. We are going to be ok. God has Trump. No weapon will prevail against him or us. Shout it down loudly and hold on to your faith in Jesus. Never say we are defeated. In God we trust. Decree our Victory for President Trump. God always opens a window when the door is shut.

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