(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Trump-backed election integrity bill barring noncitizens from voting passes House, only 5 Dems vote in favor



  1. It will not stop until God loving Americans stand up and stand together that WE will not stand for anymore of this destruction of our country that we love. We are the people that make America function. If we all stopped working and demanded we get our country back. But I donโ€™t think that will ever happen. We are supposed to leave this world better than we recieved it.

    • That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

  2. Great this is good news for all Americans. It is really sad that the majority of Democrats shows their true colors, so their intentions are to cheat again. Now need to see if it pass the senate and Biden or should I say Obama intentions to stop it!

  3. The Constitution states ONLY citizens can vote in US election!!! So all who oppose protecting the Constitution and our elections are saying the Constitution doesnโ€™t matter and they are in violation of their Oath to uphold it!!!

  4. If they are allowed to vote then you will see ballots being printed in Mexico and flown over with their people Biden is bringing in. It is our turn to peacefully protest at every city government office mayor,governor anyone with power. They need shown the spirit of America. Family members have given their lives for this country. We can at least do that in their honor.

  5. Why would it be a Question, that only American citizens are allowed to vote in elections ??? FJB and all you TRAITOROUS PHONY CORRUPT Democrats and Rino Establishment RAT ๐Ÿ€ Bastards. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ We the people Trump 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ .

  6. But of course the old rotted pos THE CORRUPT son OF BITCH THE FAKE PRESIDENT WILL VITO IT without the mother fucker cheating he will not Winn

  7. I’m actually surprised 5 Dems broke rank. Biden said he will veto it. I’m sure the Senate will kill the bill before that happens. The excuse. It makes it harder for Americans to vote and if course that means it’s rascist…
    We all know the truth. Illigals voting is what the Dems are hoping for

  8. Very well stated Tomm ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I’m curious about the Republicans who did not vote. They better have a good reason; in hospital, out of Country or dead, or they could be toast.

  9. It’s common knowledge ( except for the idiots that love Biden) that the commie Demorats will kill it, they want them all to vote. They want that one party government

  10. My opinion.

    Any American that can now vote Democrat is Anti America the Beautiful. And don’t deserve American rights. Remember if you vote dem is that everytime someone is murdered, raped, child abused, human trafficed. Etc. By an illegal you voted for that. There I said what I said and stand by my words.

  11. Do you not see the stupidity in this? Illegal aliens/non-citizens are already prohibited from voting. There is no need to rehash this dead horse. Just enforce the law as it is in the books.

  12. All these unAmericans (Democrats) need to be VOTED OUT!!! Only Americans should be allowed to vote โ€ฆ PERIOD!!!! This definitely proves without a doubt that all these Democrats who voted Against this bill are willing to CHEAT and DESTROY our beloved country. Sick of their corruption!!

  13. Of course, democrats would not vote for it. They are as useless as a shit sandwich with mustard.

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