Interesting how all the criminal Libs get to walk away but Trump doesn’t!!!!
Another stinking liberal bites the dust and steps down. Imagine that….it’s on January 6th. Hope Canadians get a conservative in there who has good values.
Trudeau is no fighter. He resigns before the people can throw him out. He is a crooked coward!
America’s counterpoint to Trudeau is Newscum, IMO. I suspect those 2 are perceived to be cut from the same cloth. It would be outstanding if Newscum politically gets nuked by the Canadian fallout. But then again, Kommiefornia’s elections are a farce.
A good friend is Canadian and she has not one good thing to say about Trudeau or his government. I’ll bet she’s happy to see Trudeau go!
Can you even imagine Biden translating speech? Hahaha 😹
Interesting how all the criminal Libs get to walk away but Trump doesn’t!!!!
Another stinking liberal bites the dust and steps down. Imagine that….it’s on January 6th. Hope Canadians get a conservative in there who has good values.
Trudeau is no fighter. He resigns before the people can throw him out. He is a crooked coward!
America’s counterpoint to Trudeau is Newscum, IMO. I suspect those 2 are perceived to be cut from the same cloth. It would be outstanding if Newscum politically gets nuked by the Canadian fallout. But then again, Kommiefornia’s elections are a farce.
A good friend is Canadian and she has not one good thing to say about Trudeau or his government. I’ll bet she’s happy to see Trudeau go!
Can you even imagine Biden translating speech? Hahaha 😹