(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Swing-state’s Supreme Court issues stunning ruling on mail-in ballots sent without postmark



  1. That’s from their Supreme Court? There is nothing supreme about it. I would call it the Kangaroo court Idiocracy not democracy.

  2. Can you imagine Kameltoe getting 90,000,000 votes? The worst candidate to run in the history of our country? The first candidate to run without ever winning a primary vote getting the most votes in the history of votes? That is what it will take, because Trump is going to eclipse that 90 million mark! The reality if she will not even hit 50 million if everything was legit! Yes it’s that bad!

  3. Who were our lawyers? So your honor, you advocate allowing ballots unsigned, no dates, and late — therefore you then will accept court documents with the SAME courtesy? 🤔. It’s simply has potential for fraud as custody and integrity of the ballots can’t be verified.

  4. How would they like it if they had a bunch of smudged or no postmarked ballots that were designated for the republican candidates. Would they get counted?

  5. How !!!! I do not see how this is a question to be had!
    I hope this is appealed. The Republicans are having to play wack a mole.

  6. How can it be legal to count votes up to 3 days following the election if there is no proof of when they came in? Ripe for harvesting as many votes as they need to tip the vote. Fraud just waiting to happen.

  7. The bullshit just never ends… God forbid we have a fucking fair election… This makes no sense whatsoever… Whatever appeal process that may be available to Republicans needs to be done now…

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