(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Suspected would-be Trump assassin wrote chilling letter months before thwarted golf course plot



  1. How stupid does the cabal think the US Citizens are. How did this shit head know his attempt failed 6 months before. This is an inside job- they just showed that! No citizen in the USA or world can trust any of this administration, period!! If they do trust them it is because they are brainwashed and poisoned by all the poisons in the food, water, medications, vaccines and air that have severe neurological effects!

    • Best to keep him alive in prison so that he can suffer psychologically once Trump is re-elected.

      Someone who is not “kind, caring and selfless?” Look in the mirror, bud!

  2. Actually I do not see DOJ publication of this letter as equivalent to publishing a bounty. AfterAll if an assassin were to succeed how on Earth could he claim that bounty? But it does seem careless of DOJ to publish possible evidence like this.

  3. If that letter was written months prior to the attempt on DJT’s life, how did he know he was going to fail?????
    And yes, why in the world would they release this letter to the public?.

  4. Everyone said exactly what I was thinking! How did he know in advance he failed? And I question the person having the box and not opening it. I agree, inside job!


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