(Commenting on)  BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules on Trump Immunity



    • biden should be in big trouble now. There is a big difference here. The documents biden had in his garage, stored at Penn Center and other locations he was not authorized to have from the get-go. They were documents prior to him becoming president. Being the president now has no bearing on what he stored in precarious places while a senator or vice president. Vice Presidents are not authorized to have classified documents or to declassify any documents. As senator and as vice president, he was not authorized to have any documents in his possession, stored in his home, car, or elsewhere.

  1. The liberals are crying because TRUMP! However the rest of the remaining former presidents who have committed perhaps unlawful acts will have the same immunity

  2. Strange we give Foreign dignitaries Immunity on any act they commit on US Soil, but the President was not immune to his acts of Presidency. I’m sure all Presidents have committed some act in the name of National Security.

  3. Good for Trump!! Justice Sotomayor should realize that FUB is protected now, and can’t be charged for Treason for allowing 12 million illegals invade America or murder or other things. (She’s not too smart).

    Although there’s still time to impeach & convict him and Harris for Treason, some demrats may even agree. Better yet let’s charge KH NOW as Border Czar, they want her out, we don’t want her for even 1 month (a disgrace to Real Women) FUB won’t last.

    Contact your Rep and let’s get this impeachment going!!

  4. Good for Trump. Well deserved, he was the President of the United States and he had the right to question that election.And the protesting he told everyone to march peacefully and patriotically. There was no wrong doing here by trump. And as far as i’m concerned those january six protesters should not be in prison. This was orchestrated by the democrats because they Didn’t want trump to be president again so they were going to do everything In their power to prevent that from happening. I feel as though my vote was stolen From me my right To vote for who I thought was the candidate That would better represent america and the american people was taken from The
    American people that voted for trump. We all know that that election had a lot of discrepancies And fraud they never wanted to touch it Because They knew if they did it would just prove biden was illegitimate. And they still haven’t released Those eleven thirteen thousand ballots that were missing from fulton county , which are held in some sort of a secret safe place Even though the supreme court ruled that those ballots should be released and counted , they still haven’t released them why. The american people would like to know the results of those eleven thirteen thousand ballots.

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