(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Report: Your Social Security Number Has Been Stolen



  1. This is just dreadful. I’m a victim of identity theft twice!

    I don’t think I can deal with another one. It was a horrible experience.

    We are living in very dangerous times.

  2. Do you actually think they’re going to announce this publicly if it is true. People would be grabbing their money out of the banks. Lifelock is the answer. Protect yourself

  3. Thankfully my husband and I have frozen all of our Credit Reports for years. We also pay for a credit monitoring service and change passwords on a regular basis. It’s shameful we have to deal with this kind of crap because people are too lazy to work. They would rather steal. Even being this cautious, I still had someone at a gas station try to use my debit card and had to get a new one. Thankfully my bank was on top of it. I’m sick of assholes.

  4. Thankfully my husband and I have locked all of our credit reports. We also pay for a credit monitoring service and change our passwords regularly.

  5. I have had my Experian, Trans Union and Equifax accounts frozen for the last six years. They will stay that way forever unless I buy another car. Mine is now 18 years old and only has 83,000 miles on it. I drive less than 30 miles a week to the grocery store and bank as I’m retired. No need to buy a new car to do that.

  6. For those naysayers, you might want to check again.

    It’s now hitting the tech sector news reports like CNET, TechRepublic also LA Times and Fox News. If true, then it’s time to hold Biden and Harris accountable.


    Is there no end to the havoc occurring under Biden/Harris?


  8. I have credit monitoring and I was recently notified my ssn is on the dark web. I have frozen my three credit reports.

  9. I just looked again at my credit monitoring and it was April 18, 2024 in which I received the report that my ssn is on the dark web.

  10. I think for Experian the basic option only locks if you want the freeze you have to buy the monthly option.

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