(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Powerful union announces controversial decision on presidential endorsement, after members’ poll shows landslide support for Trump



  1. But if it was favorable for Harris then of course they would show their support and give their endorsement. So sick of this shit for real!!!

  2. Teamster for 38 years. I never voted for who they supported, it was always a democratic. After watching the Teamsters President talk at the RLC, I thought they were going to endorse Trump. Shame on him. Big talk, no action.

  3. I was a member of the Teamsters for 35 years now retired
    My father was the 65th Teamster member.
    There favorite line to you was. Be quiet! Your lucky you have a job. O’Brien and the rest of the leadership is afraid the Democrats will cut them off.
    Wait till they all comes up for election. I hope they throw Mr. tough Guy right the fuck out.

  4. I feel unions serve no good purpose any longer. There was a time in history when they did but that time has passed. My husband was a federal government employee for 40 years. Before he became management, he did participate in the union for several years due to much pressure by their union reps. I always felt it was such a big waste of his hard earned $. They did very very little for their employees. Mostly the union officials spent big money going to conventions and partying. He rarely voted for their recommendations for political office. I can’t ever remember a time a republican was endorsed during the time he belonged. Although it is 💩 they did not endorse President Trump it is certainly no surprise since I have it is almost unheard of for them to support a Republican so I am taking this as a slap in the face to Kumminist. I am sure Soros big $ told them they could not support Trump.

    • Even though I was a conservative Republican, my unions saved my a$$ on several occasions along with conspiring against me on some. Upon my retirement nearly 4 years ago I still feel unions are a necessary evil.

  5. I have been saying it for a couple years. Go to any construction site and ask who they support and the answer will overwhelmingly be Trump. Even by the Mexicans who only have work permits and green cards and can’t vote.


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