(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Liberal newspaper declines to endorse presidential candidate, leftists erupt, editor RESIGNS



  1. Hip hop hooray for the WP. I delivered the paper in Arlington as a kid in the late 60s and early 70s. It was a great paper at time, not the liberal rag it has turned into, especially since the mid 2000s.

  2. I guess they will not put there names and reputations on the line for Harris they know the poles are off so they backed away from a loser so they will not go down with this dummy called Harris and boy is she ever dumb.

    • Yes indeed. Dumber than a sand grain with an IQ in the single digits. That is pretty low. I was actually embarrassed for America for pushing her forward with no actual votes. The bimbo slithered in like a water moccasin searching for it’s prey. I don’t think she actually knew what hit her. Anderson Cooper from CNN did her in the other night. She was “BUSTED” just like joe was busted after the debate of the century and CNN was already calling for joe to step down. Just think, Anderson Cooper’s questions did her in. Isn’t it delicious. I hope there is no coming back for her. She won’t be able to do anything in the time that is left. Too many people have already voted.

  3. Bravo!! As it should be!! Fair and unbiased!! Readers should have all of the information available from ALL sources as journalism should be and make up their own minds!! That is democracy!!! The democrats want to control what you think and do! They’ve done it for so long they’re having withdrawals!! Screaming and throwing tantrums like two year olds!! It’s pathetic!!!


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