(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Liberal journalist somehow added to private chat with top Trump officials debating airstrike against terrorists



  1. What a total FUBAR incident. That said what a POS reporter for posting the chat regardless of him getting it. It is absolutely disgusting how anyone would put their own interest above America’s

  2. So goldberg the liberal journalist could not keep his fucking mouth shut? He had to report it and spread this to the world, right? How many stupid decisions and life-threatening incidents occurred when biden was in office? May I remind the democrats of 13 DEAD AMERICAN PATRIOTS coming home in body bags because of joe biden’s piss poor decision.

  3. Agree with the above comments. I just can’t fathom why the reporter would publish this national security chat. Oh wait! He doesn’t really care about the national good, only ‘get Trump’.

  4. If truly came from Pete he deserves the backlash. I don’t think I would listen to Democrats who are open border nut jobs. I think the reporter should have his head examined tho. Who in their right mind if receiving this info would not keep his mouth shut until after the plan was done?

  5. This situation is 1 of 2 things:
    1) One of WORST Blunders & one of the most DANGEROUS Goof Ups ever made from the President’s Cabinet….
    2) A GENIUS Tactic by the Administration with some Profound Outcome that is far beyond the intelligence of your average person like myself.

    I’m just sitting back observing at what unfolds:
    The Democrat Cabal is coming out in droves with condemning posts on X/Twitter…Some that have been silent & out of the public eye for quite a while.

    As far as this being a Careless, Stupid, Inexcusable Mistake coming from the Trump Administration….THE JURY IS STILL OUT AS FAR AS I’M CONCERNED…I’M WAITING THIS OUT.

  6. If I were a reporter, the first thing I would of done is make my presence known and let them all know it wasn’t a private chat. No way would I have blabbered American secrets. What a low life scum!

  7. Why isn’t anyone asking how this reporter goldberg got on the list? Who added his email or address or phone number to the group. Whose computer allowed it to happen and could this possibly be a leak of a democrat who compromised the system.

  8. Gee I don’t see how this reporter “somehow” got added do you? Seems like a setup to undermine if you ask me, but wait they wouldn’t stoop that low would they??


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