(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Kamala Harris caves, agrees to interview with Fox News anchor



  1. So the kackling, kommunist, konniving kunt kamala is going to take the plunge. My guess is she will cancel at the last minute to take care of some other emergency like the southern border, or like the drones flying over the US right now with foreign entities shadowing our military bases. I only hope that Brett Baier asks her extremely tough questions that she has no answers for and she dances around looking for words. It she stumbles that would be delicious and this may be her end of the run.

  2. Bret is a Trump Hater! He will treat her with kid gloves and at the end of the love fest, he will declare her the winner of the election. If Fox wanted to be legitimate, they would have had Laura or Jesse or Pete or Greg or Mark Levine do the interview.

  3. I guess we will see if Baier is leaning left as I’ve suspected since the last election. This is the chance to press her on answers to crucial questions.

  4. I believe Baier’s Interview will be softball questions because Harris would have never agreed we to the interview of tough questions. Harris is a dumb dumb and I believe she is stoned half the time she lies like no tomorrow. so let’s see if baier calls her out I bet not because Baier could be a democrat in sheep’s clothing and gave her the questions ahead of time. we will find out Wednesday! Harris will bash and bash trump with her lies and let’s see if he fact checks her

  5. Fair and balanced my ass. He’s gonna suck right up her ass.
    Let Mark Levin question her. Or better yet DML. Fox News sucks.Wait till George Soros
    takes over the news media. He already owns 250 radio stations. We’re all doomed.

  6. Fair and balanced my ass. He will suck right up to her.
    Let Mark levin or better yet DML interview her. Fox sucks they’re all gonna be looking for a job soon as George Soros takes over we’re all doomed…..

  7. I don’t trust this guy. He will do the same thing like what Chris Wallace did. He has the opportunity to go after her policy to let all these illegals in and show it’s effects, the debacle in Afghanistan, and the unaffordable economy that was created during her term. But it’s a gut feeling that he’ll be a lightweight. Hope I’m wrong.

  8. Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, DML, Mark Levin, Judge Jeanine , Maria B. should be the ones interviewing this brainless drunk! Let’s see how Bret handles this???????

  9. I don’t think Baeir will go for her throat!
    He’ll probably be gentle with her and I’m sure he’s going to be told what questions he will be allowed to ask! She wouldn’t do this if she knew that Fox would be tough on her. The fix is in I don’t trust it.

  10. This is my opinion waltz went on fox twice to see what the veiwership would be and how the questions would be. We don’t have undecided voters we have people who don’t vote that we need to convince to vote.
    Bret Bare I believe is fair I’m just wondering if he can actually get her to say her plans. She is coming in fix news to slam Trump because those are the people who watch fox. She wants to get a few Trump voters not to vote for him.. not get them to vote for her. If any voters sit out this election it can make a huge difference.


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