(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Jury awards woman $700k after being fired for refusing to get a COVID vax



  1. Finally a GOOD decision made by the court! I hope every person that was mandated to get the poison jab, especially our Military men and women, follow suit!

  2. Good for her !!! A REAL role model standing up for what she believes in no matter what …take note people ….much respect …

  3. What about our soldiers that was force to leave ??? They deserve back pay and thier jobs back if they want them !!!

  4. She didn’t sue for enough. It should have been $17,000,000. FFS, the slut bag e jean carroll got more for nothing when it was not proven she was raped. Set the precedent. Let’s go. Now how about the Military families whose Patriots were discharged from their positions in the Military without any benefits because they wouldn’t get the jab sue also. The jab was proven ineffective. People still got covid because china spread it on the world. But the fuckhead joe won’t admit it to anyone.

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