Make an example out if this activist judge who thinks he is a god. Send US Marshall’s to his court house and arrest him. Drag his teink ass out in handcuffs and frog march him to jail. Enough of these activist judges and their corruption.
Fuck this judge… Biden defied the Supreme Court when they determined he didn’t have the authority to forgive student loans… So what happened to him?? Not a damn thing… Trump administration should carry on…
My thoughts exactly. How quickly people forget!
This liberal judge is ARROGANCE INSANITY on steroids??? Who does he believe gives him AUTHORITY to override & ORDER A PRESIDENT actions?? Threatening arrest is beyond the PALE? This single judge needs to be REMOVED NOW!
I think the left has made the judge an offer he couldn’t refuse. How many times the left disobeyed court orders and nothing happened. Proof we have justice for me but not for thee.
This nonsense won’t stop until impeachments start happening. Liberal activist judges need to be put in their place.
We need someone from Congress to step up and sue this radical piece of garbage..
Apparently this judge still thinks that the democrats are still getting away with holding Trump up in court. Has he not watched the news and realized Trump is the President of the United States and he far out ranks a stupid democratic Obama bought judge?
As soon as one judge go to prison for defiant a President order, this madness will stop. The same needs to happen to these attorney general that think they can used the law are they please! But something needs to be done now!
Fuck this judge. Wonder if he paused any of those payments to the brain-dead college twit-heads who were expecting their college loans be paid in full. joe biden did what the fuck he wanted. Why should we pay these students loans off. They signed on the dotted line, not the US taxpayer.
I voted for DJT because I want my president to clean house with my tax dollars
These judges think we should continue to spend money we don’t have. Needs to be taken out of their paychecks.
So the judicial branch thinks they can control the executive branch.. why have an executive branch ??? So why have an executive branch if judges can run the country…… send the judge to jail immediately lock him up for corruption this Must stop
Phuck this libtard woke Judge! Figures “Obamination” installed this idiot! He needs to be removed from the bench immediately!!! He obviously thinks he is God!!!
Make an example out if this activist judge who thinks he is a god. Send US Marshall’s to his court house and arrest him. Drag his teink ass out in handcuffs and frog march him to jail. Enough of these activist judges and their corruption.
Fuck this judge… Biden defied the Supreme Court when they determined he didn’t have the authority to forgive student loans… So what happened to him?? Not a damn thing… Trump administration should carry on…
My thoughts exactly. How quickly people forget!
This liberal judge is ARROGANCE INSANITY on steroids??? Who does he believe gives him AUTHORITY to override & ORDER A PRESIDENT actions?? Threatening arrest is beyond the PALE? This single judge needs to be REMOVED NOW!
I think the left has made the judge an offer he couldn’t refuse. How many times the left disobeyed court orders and nothing happened. Proof we have justice for me but not for thee.
This nonsense won’t stop until impeachments start happening. Liberal activist judges need to be put in their place.
We need someone from Congress to step up and sue this radical piece of garbage..
Apparently this judge still thinks that the democrats are still getting away with holding Trump up in court. Has he not watched the news and realized Trump is the President of the United States and he far out ranks a stupid democratic Obama bought judge?
As soon as one judge go to prison for defiant a President order, this madness will stop. The same needs to happen to these attorney general that think they can used the law are they please! But something needs to be done now!
Fuck this judge. Wonder if he paused any of those payments to the brain-dead college twit-heads who were expecting their college loans be paid in full. joe biden did what the fuck he wanted. Why should we pay these students loans off. They signed on the dotted line, not the US taxpayer.
I voted for DJT because I want my president to clean house with my tax dollars
These judges think we should continue to spend money we don’t have. Needs to be taken out of their paychecks.
So the judicial branch thinks they can control the executive branch.. why have an executive branch ??? So why have an executive branch if judges can run the country…… send the judge to jail immediately lock him up for corruption this Must stop
Phuck this libtard woke Judge! Figures “Obamination” installed this idiot! He needs to be removed from the bench immediately!!! He obviously thinks he is God!!!
No Judge : you Failed , ASSHOLE