Another fucking SOB commie judge paid off by an NGO, right? Probably that pig soros who should be removed from earth. Deport these venezuelan gang pigs then line them up in front of a firing squad. Who GAF about this judge’s ruling. He is against America. He needs to be tried for treason and sent to GITMO. This makes my blood boil. This is all on biden for letting these pigs in here. Hear that biden, you useless piece of lowlife garbage. You should be in GITMO too.
We The people of the United States of America🇺🇸demand Judges with common sense. Fire these liberal SOB’s we can’t get illegals out of our own country!! Keep flying the plane. We don’t want them back unless firing squad now, or oops they jumped out of the plane over the ocean!!
Unbelievably dangerous to America. ACLU is the most anti American piece of garbage and the only reason this radical judge is not in jail , leftists are fine with him trampling our law. God will repay.
So the judge feels these thugs should remain in the US? Then they should be housed in his residence and he should foot the bill for their accommodation, not the taxpayers.
I’m confused how judges are being shopped around for and are able to be activist from the bench. It is time These “judges” are challenged legally within their system of checks and balances. I’m curious if you follow the money if they themselves have been bought off .
I believe the Dems plan is to overwhelm the system so that the supreme court does not hear all the challenges because they don’t want to appear as if the court is being used to Govern..
The branches of government are separate for a reason and the presidents first obligation is to protect the homeland
I seem to recall, from years ago, when some activist 9th (? was a judge in San Fransicko) circuit court tried shutting down a presidential order. I think it went to the SCOTUS who said these judges have jurisdiction ONLY for the district they are supposed to serve. Yesterday I listened to Andrew Braca, an attorney who has a podcast, Legal Self Defense. His opinion is that these activist judges are adjudicating for not just the entire U.S., but their edicts could potentially be worldwide. It’s a gross miscarriage of judicial power. They must be stopped! A single ruling by the SCOTUS could put muzzles on all those foul ball judges.
Watched a short reel from Nick Freitas, a delegate from the Virginia version of the House. He suggested that the plane be turned around and those thugs be deposited at this judge’s front yard. Seems appropriate.
If the judge wants them in the us then make them stay at his home and put guards around it keeping them in there. Thats funny x put me in jail again for a week for saying this judge needs removed from his job and tarred and feathered. But if i say that we should bring back the guillotine thats ok on x. Wth
Basically return the violence and murder to our nation! Total stupidity!
Are any of these commie so called judges actually support we the people? This bull💩 has to stop. WTF 🤬 people. America is now experiencing what third world countries have always been, corrupt. Hmmm wonder if their governments will invade our republic to get the bad guys out? Think about what our warmongers have done.
Another fucking SOB commie judge paid off by an NGO, right? Probably that pig soros who should be removed from earth. Deport these venezuelan gang pigs then line them up in front of a firing squad. Who GAF about this judge’s ruling. He is against America. He needs to be tried for treason and sent to GITMO. This makes my blood boil. This is all on biden for letting these pigs in here. Hear that biden, you useless piece of lowlife garbage. You should be in GITMO too.
I’ll add, IMPEACH all of the radical leftist political “judges”!
Ignore him. Keep deporting….
Very well put , go.,go, go and remove these ” fake judges” ….
Who do these non SCOTUS judges think they are???
Trump being POTUS, should be able to put them in their place like a thumbtack.
We The people of the United States of America🇺🇸demand Judges with common sense. Fire these liberal SOB’s we can’t get illegals out of our own country!! Keep flying the plane. We don’t want them back unless firing squad now, or oops they jumped out of the plane over the ocean!!
If it’s a law and still on the books then this jugde needs to go back and study the law again
Unbelievably dangerous to America. ACLU is the most anti American piece of garbage and the only reason this radical judge is not in jail , leftists are fine with him trampling our law. God will repay.
So the judge feels these thugs should remain in the US? Then they should be housed in his residence and he should foot the bill for their accommodation, not the taxpayers.
I’m confused how judges are being shopped around for and are able to be activist from the bench. It is time These “judges” are challenged legally within their system of checks and balances. I’m curious if you follow the money if they themselves have been bought off .
I believe the Dems plan is to overwhelm the system so that the supreme court does not hear all the challenges because they don’t want to appear as if the court is being used to Govern..
The branches of government are separate for a reason and the presidents first obligation is to protect the homeland
What a piece of 💩 this judge is🤮! I hope these pilots didn’t returned until they finish the deportation. This judge is a scumbag that should be in prison together with all the other judges that are interfering the law and the President. Time for the Supreme Court to act and put them in their place. They need to stop this madness, we the people elected President Trump to do a job and these judges think they are above the President. Time to act!👎🤬🤮
If I were the pilots I would say what your breaking up, I can’t hear you, and keep on going.
I seem to recall, from years ago, when some activist 9th (? was a judge in San Fransicko) circuit court tried shutting down a presidential order. I think it went to the SCOTUS who said these judges have jurisdiction ONLY for the district they are supposed to serve. Yesterday I listened to Andrew Braca, an attorney who has a podcast, Legal Self Defense. His opinion is that these activist judges are adjudicating for not just the entire U.S., but their edicts could potentially be worldwide. It’s a gross miscarriage of judicial power. They must be stopped! A single ruling by the SCOTUS could put muzzles on all those foul ball judges.
Watched a short reel from Nick Freitas, a delegate from the Virginia version of the House. He suggested that the plane be turned around and those thugs be deposited at this judge’s front yard. Seems appropriate.
The proper response to this judge from the White House should be f*** you and the jackass you rode in on!
Biden didn’t obey any judge’s orders. Even the Supreme Court. Trump should ignore the judge’s.
If the judge wants them in the us then make them stay at his home and put guards around it keeping them in there. Thats funny x put me in jail again for a week for saying this judge needs removed from his job and tarred and feathered. But if i say that we should bring back the guillotine thats ok on x. Wth
Ignore… the idiot..